Powerful: Summary Review

Key Things You Should Know About The Book

This is a summary review of Powerful containing key details about the book.

What is Powerful About?

“Powerful” by Patty McCord challenges traditional HR practices and offers a new perspective on creating high-performing teams. (Full Summary…)

Powerful Summary Review

Lauren Roberts, in her novella “Powerful: A Powerless Story,” skillfully expands the narrative world established in her New York Times bestseller, “Powerless.” This captivating novella, centering around the fan-favorite character Adena, takes readers on a poignant journey through the slums of Loot, exploring themes of survival, friendship, and the enigmatic allure of the Elite.

The story revolves around the inseparable duo, Adena and Paedyn, who have weathered the challenges of life in the slums together. However, fate takes a harsh turn when Paedyn, categorized as an Ordinary, is selected for the Purging Trials, a perilous path that typically leads to certain death. Adena, left to navigate the gritty streets of Loot alone, finds herself in a desperate struggle for survival.

Roberts introduces a mysterious figure into the narrative, Mak, who rescues Adena from the perils of the market. Mak’s shadowy past and undisclosed powers distinguish him from the other low-level Elites in Loot, adding an element of intrigue to the storyline. The dynamics between Adena and Mak form the crux of the novella as they embark on a quest to see their loved ones before the impending Trials.

The exploration of loyalty, love, and the fragility of life is a central theme in this novella. Adena’s character undergoes significant development as she confronts the challenges of the streets alone, forging her path in a world marked by hardship. The evolving relationship between Adena and Mak adds layers of complexity to the narrative, keeping readers engaged with the emotional and interpersonal aspects of the story.

One notable aspect of “Powerful” is its ability to stand alone as a compelling narrative while also serving as a complementary piece to the broader Powerless series. Roberts seamlessly weaves elements from the established universe into this novella, providing fans with a deeper understanding of Adena’s character and the intricacies of life in Loot.

The inclusion of a special extended teaser to “Reckless,” the anticipated sequel to “Powerless,” adds an extra layer of excitement for readers invested in the series. Roberts skillfully uses this teaser to pique curiosity and set the stage for the next chapter in the unfolding saga.

Essentially, “Powerful: A Powerless Story” is a well-crafted novella that enriches the Powerless series. Lauren Roberts demonstrates her storytelling prowess by delivering a narrative that not only expands the lore of Loot but also provides a standalone, emotionally resonant experience. With its engaging characters, intricate world-building, and a tantalizing glimpse into the future, this novella is a must-read for fans of the Powerless series and newcomers alike.

Who is the author of Powerful?

Patty McCord is a human resources consultant and executive. She was the chief talent officer at Netflix. She joined Netflix in 1998. McCord’s path to Netflix started with her working with Reed Hastings at Pure Software.

How long is Powerful?

  • Print length: 228 pages

What genre is Powerful?

Business, Leadership, Nonfiction

What are good quotes from Powerful?

“In this ever-changing society, the most powerful and enduring brands are built from the heart. They are real and sustainable. Their foundations are stronger because they are built with the strength of the human spirit, not an ad campaign. The companies that are lasting are those that are authentic.”

“Mass advertising can help build brands, but authenticity is what makes them last. If people believe they share values with a company, they will stay loyal to the brand.”

“One of the fundamental aspects of leadership, I realized more and more, is the ability to instill confidence in others when you yourself are feeling insecure”

“People want guidance, not rhetoric. They need to know what the plan of action is, and how it will be implemented. They want to be given responsibility to help solve the problem and authority to act on it.”

“If you examine a butterfly according to the laws of aerodynamics, it shouldn’t be able to fly. But the butterfly doesn’t know that, so it flies”

“Authentic brands don’t emerge from marketing cubicles or advertising agencies. They emanate from everything the company does…”

“Remember: You’ll be left with an empty feeling if you hit the finish line alone. When you run a race as a team, though, you’ll discover that much of the reward comes from hitting the tape together. You want to be surrounded not just by cheering onlookers but by a crowd of winners, celebrating as one.”

“To stay vigorous, a company needs to provide a stimulating and challenging environment for all these types: the dreamer, the entrepreneur, the professional manager, and the leader. If it doesn’t, it risks becoming yet another mediocre corporation.”

“Early on I realized that I had to hire people smarter and ore qualified than I was in a number of different fields, and I had to let go of a lot of decision-making. I can’t tell you how hard that is. But if you’ve imprinted your values on the people around you, you can dare to trust them to make the right moves.”

“There’s a metaphor Vincent Eades likes to use: “If you examine a butterfly according to the laws of aerodynamics, it shouldn’t be able to fly. But the butterfly doesn’t know that, so it flies.”

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, . . . begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. —GOETHE”
“To be an enduring, great company, you have to build a mechanism for preventing or solving problems that will long outlast any one individual leader.”

― Patty McCord, Powerful


Chief Editor

Tal Gur is an impact-driven entrepreneur, author, and investor. After trading his daily grind for a life of his own daring design, he spent a decade pursuing 100 major life goals around the globe. His journey and most recent book, The Art of Fully Living - 1 Man, 10 Years, 100 Life Goals Around the World, has led him to found Elevate Society.