Tribes: Summary Review

Key Things You Should Know About The Book

This is a summary review of Tribes containing key details about the book.

What is Tribes About?

Tribes argues that the most successful businesses and organizations are those that create and lead a tribe of passionate followers. (Full Summary…)

Tribes Summary Review

Seth Godin’s “Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us” emerges as a pivotal guide, reshaping our understanding of leadership in the contemporary world. Published almost a decade ago, its teachings remain significant, particularly in our era of digital connectivity. Godin, with his characteristic wit and visionary outlook, presents a narrative that is both engaging and enlightening.

The book’s central thesis is the innate human tendency to form tribes – groups unified by shared beliefs, goals, or interests. Whether these are religious, ethnic, economic, or political affiliations, Godin illustrates how these tribes have been transformed in the digital age. He compellingly argues that the internet, by dissolving traditional barriers of geography, cost, and time, has democratized the ability to lead and catalyze change.

Godin’s approach to leadership is refreshingly inclusive and empowering. He suggests a three-step framework for building tribes: the desire for change, the ability to connect a tribe, and the willingness to lead. This framework challenges the conventional wisdom of leadership, suggesting that leaders can emerge from the most unexpected places and backgrounds. By weaving in anecdotes of various influential figures, Godin convincingly portrays how leadership is not confined to those with formal authority or traditional roles.

The narrative of “Tribes” is not just theoretical but intensely practical. It delves into the dynamics of tribe formation and leadership, emphasizing the importance of overcoming the fear of criticism and embracing a passion for change. Godin’s unique perspective on leadership is evident throughout the book; he sees leaders as individuals who act not for personal gain but for the betterment and thriving of their tribe.

One of the more provocative aspects of the book is its dichotomous portrayal of “the factory” – traditional, hierarchical organizations – and “heretics,” or leaders who challenge the status quo. While this comparison is striking, it may oversimplify the complex nature of organizational dynamics and the diverse experiences of individuals within traditional settings.

Despite this, “Tribes” is a compelling read, particularly for its innovative take on leadership and community-building in the digital age. Godin encourages readers to embrace discomfort, challenge existing norms, and lead with passion and authenticity. This message resonates deeply, especially for those seeking to make a meaningful difference in their communities or fields.

In conclusion, “Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us” is not just a book about leadership; it is a manifesto for change in a hyper-connected world. Its insights into the power of tribes and the nature of leadership are as relevant today as they were at the time of its publication. Godin’s work is a must-read for anyone aspiring to understand and harness the power of communities and leadership in the digital era.

Who is the Author of Tribes?

Seth Godin is the author of nineteen international bestsellers that have been translated into over 35 languages, and have changed the way people think about marketing and work. Before his work as a writer and blogger, Godin was Vice President of Direct Marketing at Yahoo!, a job he got after selling them his pioneering 1990s online startup, Yoyodyne.

How long is Tribes?

  • Print length: 151 pages
  • Audiobook: 3 hrs and 42 mins

What genre is Tribes?

Business, Leadership, Nonfiction

What are good quotes from Tribes?

“You can no longer see or identify yourself solely as a member of a tribe, but as a citizen of a nation of one people working toward a common purpose.”

“A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea. For millions of years, human beings have been part of one tribe or another. A group needs only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to communicate.”

“… the reason life works at all is that not everyone in your tribe is nuts on the same day. [pp. 65-66]”

“One secret of life is that the reason life works at all is that not everyone in your tribe is nuts on the same day. Another secret is that laughter is carbonated holiness”

“It takes a tribe to raise a human.”

“When we live in alignment with who we are and how we want to live, we will attract and find like-minded individuals.”

“Go to the community and the locations that have set a sparkle in your psyche. That’s how you find your Tribe”

“I may well be bringing fresh notions or concepts that will cause many people to think of me as a bit odd, but I’m okay with that, because maybe I’m just conscious and alive in a batty old world. That said, it doesn’t mean everyone will ‘get’ me, there are a million aromas and zings and zaps and tangs and wallops in the world. We all have a different piquancy. What I do mean, however, is that my tribe can find me.”

“Marilyn Monroe was a Carefree Scamp and she often felt like she didn’t belong, as if she’d somehow landed on the Wrong Planet. Clearly she wouldn’t phrase it that way, but throughout her life she was searching for members of her own tribe”

“You don’t need to change your message, you need to change your tribe.”

“The church… stands as a political alternative to every nation, witnessing to the kind of social life possible for those that have been formed by the story of Christ.”

“My journey to the land of the Shuar tribe had taught me the importance of practical gifts.”

― Seth Godin – Tribes

What are key takeaways from Tribes?

Takeaway #1 Take The Lead

To be a leader you can’t be afraid to question the norm, step outside of the box and face change head on. You have to sit up, stand up, and let your voice be heard even if no one around you supports you or believes in you at first. Unfortunately the education system along with society as a whole breeds a lot more sheep rather than it does leaders but if you let your voice be heard and believe in your story and mission, you will find your tribe and from there, great things can happen as you break into new territory and eventually help change the world.

Takeaway #2 You Cannot Be Everything To Everyone

You have to build your tribe of followers carefully. No longer does the marketing mantra of “reach as many people as possible” stand true if you want to create a brand that has meaning, though many companies still don’t realise this and continue to pump out products and content for the masses. Most people are no longer content with off-the-shelf ideas, they want to get behind a powerful cause with a meaningful story that they can connect with and introduce to their like-minded friends.

Takeaway #3 Build It & They Will Come

Providing you have the will to lead and a meaningful cause to promote, you only need approximately 1,000 people in order to create a tribe that continues to flourish and move forward. To create a successful movement you must tap into something that people already yearn for, not something that you think they’ll want in the future. As a leader your focus needs to be on creating a meaningful story that others want to follow and share, it cannot be about money.

Takeaway #4 Bigger Is Not Better

Most leaders fall into the trap of believing that the more people they have in their tribe, the better and stronger it will become but that’s not necessarily true, particularly when just starting out. You need quality tribe members, people who will communicate with other members of the tribe and also introduce their like-minded friends to your cause. You can often strengthen a tribe by creating a feeling of insiders vs outsiders.

Takeaway #5 Communication Is Still Key

Communication has always been key but no longer can it be just between you and them i.e the shopkeeper and the shopper. In today’s world, tribe members want to be able to interact with you as well as each other. Social media allows you the space to align your tribe with the common goal whilst still having some ground rules in place.

* Key sources: Amazon, Wikipedia


Chief Editor

Tal Gur is an impact-driven entrepreneur, author, and investor. After trading his daily grind for a life of his own daring design, he spent a decade pursuing 100 major life goals around the globe. His journey and most recent book, The Art of Fully Living - 1 Man, 10 Years, 100 Life Goals Around the World, has led him to found Elevate Society.